Session of Podcast Challenges in Yemen

In the first session of the second day of the Third Yemeni Media Conference, speakers discussed the challenges facing the podcast industry, sharing keys to success and ways to ensure its long-term sustainability. The session was moderated by journalist Amal Al-Yarisi and included several specialists and podcast producers who shared their practical experiences in content creation and the challenges they faced. They also provided valuable tips to help create standout podcasts.

The podcast producer and trainer Firyal Magdi gave a comprehensive presentation on the concept of podcasting and its stages of development. The importance of the knowledge exchanged during the session was evident, as it helped attendees produce valuable content using diverse and accessible methods, while attracting audiences in an engaging and non-boring way.

Firyal emphasized the importance of leveraging available resources in the podcasting industry, noting that internal challenges are just as significant as external ones, but passion and the desire for growth remain the driving forces behind success.

Journalist and podcast producer Osama Adel shared his expertise, which began at home using simple tools like a phone and editing software. He explained how he found discussion-based content on social issues, despite the traditional Yemeni media landscape being dominated by political, cultural, and comedic content.

Journalist Mohammed Al-Selwi highlighted the local challenges facing podcasting, pointing out the weak marketing efforts, which negatively affect production and audience reach. He suggested the need for more support and promotion of this audio art form, as well as exploring new areas rather than sticking to conventional content.

You can enjoy watching the full session, which serves as a valuable training course for content creators, through the following link