Violations Cases Against Media in Yemen In Feb

MFO in Yemen posted the monthly report “infographic” about the media freedom situation and what the journalists and media outlets face of abusive practices.

Last February, MFO recorded 6 violation cases ranging from 3 threats, 2 arrest and one case was a trial where the Specialized Criminal Court (State Security) sentenced the journalist Nabil Al-Sadawi, a Yemeni news sheba agency official, to 8 years’ imprisonment after being arrested by Houthi militants for more than six years. The violations committed in Sana’a of 2 cases and one case in Ma’reb

, Lahj, Almahrah and Shabwa.

Also, the report pointed at the parties who committed the violations against journalists, which the Yemeni government committed 3 violation cases, 2 cases practiced by Houthi group and other case practiced by influential.


The Media Freedoms Observatory in Yemen is a monitoring and information platform aimed to disseminate all matters relating to freedom of opinion and expression in various regions of Yemen in a professional and independent manner, including the analyzing and advocating for journalists’ issues at the local and international levels.