Ten journalists were injured by targeting and the explosion that took place at Aden Airport
10 journalists in the city of Aden suffered various injuries, which varied between fractures in the feet and hands and separate areas of the body while covering the arrival of the new Yemeni government to the city of Aden to carry out its duties.
The journalists were targeted and bombed at Aden International Airport on the 30th of December. They are Sadeq al-Ratibi, correspondent of the Yemen satellite channel, Ashraf Khalifa, Nabil al-Juneid, Amjad Khalifa, Salim al-Maamari, journalist Ali al-Hadayani, photographer Adam al-Husami, photographer Saeed al-Shuaibi, Nashwan al-Qubati and Muhammad Marsh.
Among all the injuries, journalist Sadiq al-Ratibi’s injury was one of the most severe. He underwent several operations on his left foot, which is still threatened with amputation and needs to travel abroad for treatment.
Aden, 'Adan Governorate, Yemen.